Sunday, February 25, 2018

My Own Personal Food Sustainability Series: Episode 2

So, to better understand the purpose of this series, please see last week's post. This week's post is going to be short and sweet, and is regarding roasting veggies. This technique I started to not waste veggies has also managed to increase the amount of veggie in my diet, and it is very simple.

For a long time now I have taken a zip-lock baggy with raw vegetables in my lunch; usually a combination, sometimes just carrots... Just whatever I have, and I typically take a small container of some dressing or hummus with it, but how I eat it at lunch is really beside the point! what matters most is how I handle the left-overs later...

Lately I have not been finishing my whole zip-lock bag at lunch (in my defense, I do pack a lot). So, whatever vegetables I have left at the end of the day, I bring home, and mix in with whatever vegetables I am having with dinner! if it is a simple salad, I cut them up also and add them. In the picture below, I was roasting green beans, and just added them to the pan (brown thing on the other side is tilapia... JUST in case you were wondering...). 

If you find yourself saying something like, "oh, I can't do that because I don't have anything to add them to at dinner", it sounds like assessing balance in the diet may be an option.

So, anyways, that's it! I have been re-vamping un-used lunch to make me a healthier me :)

Bon appetite!

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